THE FIRST COVENANT IN THE BIBLE is the marriage covenant. The last covenant in the Bible is the celebration of a marriage covenant. In between, there are two books dedicated to the story of an unusual marriage between a woman and a man, and another which is rich in passionate prose.
Throughout the Old Testament and into the Gospels, we see barren husbands and wives being healed of their barrenness. We find the forgiveness of those caught in adultery. We celebrate the birth of God’s Only Son to a young virgin, an impossibility, and fall in love with that baby, grown to be the Messiah, who calls Himself the ultimate bridegroom.
From start to finish God’s portrait of romance is on display. A wife is compared to a fruitful vine, to a fountain of water, to a beautiful wild deer. A husband is told to rejoice in her, to live joyfully with her, to be ravished with her, and to give her such devotion that she is “glorious and radiant, beautiful and holy, without fault or flaw.” (Eph 5:27 TPT)
God designed marriage. God blessed marriage. God created the hunger of a man for his wife. He created their desire for children. Man and woman was made in His image. He is Adam. He is also Eve.
He is the God of romance. You cannot read His Word and escape this. Nor can you look at today’s modern world and see the enemy’s destruction of it. But in the midst of that, we have an unchanging God, one without any variableness, whose every word is full of certainty to do what it is sent to do and bring joy and hope and peace to those who are believing.
“For God SO LOVED” is the start of the most-famous Scripture. Holy love, love at its purest, love as He made it to be, has been conceived in the hearts of those who believe. This Valentine’s Day, take the time to thank Him for His love for you. Take time, just you and Him in a quiet moment where His love is the center of your being.
Then tell someone you love them.
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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